Carey, a Navy Veteran, is as crazy about fishing as they come. Growing up in Michigan and Minnesota, Carey wasn't actually born with salt water in her veins. The fresh water of the rivers, Great Lakes, Mille Lacs Lake, and other surrounding fishing holes is where Carey built her affection for fishing. As a Naval Officer, she was given the opportunity to travel and expand her fishing abilities to salt water. While stationed in San Diego, Carey became an avid diver. From there she was able to combine her love for fishing with her new venture, where spearfishing became her life. Moving duty stations to Okinawa, Japan, Carey continued to master her crafts of conventional diving and freediving, while accomplishing four IUSA world records. Carey has had the privilege of fishing and diving in places like Micronesia, Guam, Australia, Mexico and both coasts of the United States. Her love of the water has lured her to boating since childhood, including kayaks, canoes, aluminum boats, ski boats, fishing boats, and sportfishing boats. Now calling OCMD home, trolling for big "Toooona" and other pelagic giants is Carey’s passion.

Captain Jeff Fluharty
Bio coming soon!